Sharp Suits by Eric Musgrove


This post is just a good excuse to show you a beautifully dressed and rather handsome looking man, which we are hoping might cheer up your day. Should you like the way men look in suits, then can we suggest you look at purchasing Sharp Suits, by Eric Musgrave as a Christmas present for middleagedad, in the hope that perhaps he might get inspired?

The charming Mr Musgrave is something of a dapper dresser himself, having been immersed in all things fashion for some years, not least as award winning editor in chief of the industry’s weekly rag Drapers Record. The book, which is fabulous (Mr Musgrave is a good writer and editor), covers the importance of the role of the suit in history, music, film, celebrity, how it shaped the look of the Royal family and an insight into how it is constructed. Pretty much all you’re ever going to want to know on the subject really.

And then there’s the 148 delicious images, Eric, who confesses to owning 11 suits, told us “I worked hard with my trusty researcher Emma O’Neil to locate photos that are not too familiar, even to menswear nerds like me who look at a lot of menswear books.” We feel the need to do some man-styling, now, where’s middleagedad got to…….?

Sharp Suits by Eric Musgrave Published by Pavilion on 5th October 2009

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