Stutterheim Raincoats for seriously wet weather

stutterheim raincoats on the womensroom 02I appreciate it is NOT good to show off, but sometimes we are so far ahead on TWR that I feel we really HAVE to quietly point out our cleverness just a teeny bit. Ages ago (back in 2011) we wrote about Stutterheim Raincoats, having discovered Alexander Stutterheim’s tiny but cute store on a trip to Stockholm. He told us at the time how he hoped to get a UK stockist for his just-launched collection of rain macs and we kept our fingers crossed as Alexander himself was lovely and the macs looked brilliant.

Well now they are EVERYWHERE, including Selfridges and uber-cool Dover Street Market, where I bought Middleagedad one for his Christmas present. And it is so fabulous that eldestson went straight out and spent his Christmas cash on one (it is superb if you cycle) and I might just have to do the same if this extraodinary weather keeps up.

The newest addition to the unisex range is the Stockholm Svart, a leaner version of the one we originally saw, lighter and quite reasonable priced at £195… and before you all scream at the price,  think how much you need a good quality rainmac if you live in the UK (just look out of the window if you are reading this as it goes live, I can’t see out of the kitchen window for raindrops). It’s fantastically made, with much pride going into the double welded seams, lack of Gore-tex and clean, chic shape. Middleagedad will never have to buy another rain coat ever, unless I nick this one off him, obvs.

stutterheim raincoats on the womens roomEven if you don’t live close to a stockist, Stutterheim will ship to you from Sweden, which may be preferable as not all the colours are available everywhere. Trust the Skandis to make wet weather gear so chic and covetable.

Enough of the showing-off now, I promise. Buy here

stutterheim raincoats on the womensroom


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