Yes that is a yellow penguin, yellow is the new black at the South Pole.
Although middle teenageson has finished his long haul A level exam schedule today and has officially finished school 'forever', youngest teenageson is still on the homework band waggon and has a number of projects to complete before term ends. One of which, apparently requires penguins. Not real ones, but something a bit more interesting than pictures cut and pasted from the internet.
Last night, quite late, he said 'Mum, you're into origami, can you make me a penguin please? Like, now.' it reminded me of all the school projects I have had to 'help' with over the years, often at very short notice and with weirdly surreal briefs thought up by a desperate teacher. Our (my) best grade came from a pretty stunning model of the planets -in the right order- revolving around the sun, which we made in about ten minutes flat very late on Sunday night before science on Monday morning.
It used to make me mad that my sons were so disorganised in telling me stuff, regularly leaving it until the night before to tell me they had to take in Harvest Festival hampers/a shepherd's costume/ a term's worth of art project/cakes for the cake sale the next day. But secretly I guess I enjoy it, as with only one son now left at school from September, I'm dreading the thought that soon there will be no one wanting my help.
So I made the penguin, which wont win youngest teenageson (or me) any prizes, but keeps this little mum-and-son moment in time alive a little longer.