We’re Back….

The Women’s Room launched in a crazy week in 2008 when we entered a period of uncertaintity, considered by many economists to have been the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression. But enough of the good old days!… Read More

Merry Christmas

It’s been a good year for Amanda and I, as we have taken our respective projects away from The Women Room to the next level. Amanda has worked hard to make We Wear Perfume a respected source of inspiration and… Read More

Goodordering Glasses

 Remember we told you about Goodordering, an East London company run by our mate Jacqui Ma who has been making multi-functional cycling bags and celebrating urban cycling lifestyles, for the past five years. As part of that journey, they… Read More

Re-branding the menopause

Isn’t it weird how when a celebrity celebrity has a baby/teenagers/menopause, it becomes become a ‘thing’. The latest ‘issue’ to be re-branded is the menopause, with Meg Mathews (Noel Gallagher’s ex wife) and Gwyneth Patrow taking it upon themselves to… Read More

Out of Fashion

So podcasts are the new radio – or something like that and never one to miss out on something new, I got together with my good friend and all round fashion maven Jane Shepherdson to put together a podcast. Called… Read More

Cool Things To Do In Porto

Porto is the new Berlin, according to travel trend people. Or something. Actually it’s nothing like Berlin, it reminded me on my recent visit with middleagedad, of a cross between Tokyo, Brooklyn and Margate. There’s a bleakly brutal, almost Soviet… Read More