The week between Christmas and New Year is a great time for planning life enhancing/body changing activities for the year ahead. That is, after you have finished off that bottle of Baileys, eaten the rest of the Quality Street and watched the Downton Abbey box set.
Our friend and Womens Room reader Sarah, told us a few months ago that she thinks Zumba is going to be the 'next big thing' in the exercise world and she's a trends forecaster, so knows about these things.
Sure enough this week the Guardian featured it in their round up of the latest US fitness classes to hit the UK.
Zumba was created by Colombian, Alberto 'Beto' Perez in the 1990's, when he forgot the music for his aerobics class and had to use his own salsa and merengue music. He improvised the class and zumba was born. The 60-minute dance workout uses salsa, merengue, samba and calypso moves, to a soundtrack of Latin and international music. It aims to tone the body and burns 500-900 calories an hour, but most importantly, according to Sarah, it's lots of fun.
So if you are a fan of Strictly Come Dancing and fancy an excuse to stamp your feet and swivel your hips, why not unleash your inner diva and give it a go. But only after you've finished off all the Proseco!
PS. Don't watch the whole video, you'll be worn out!!