Out of Fashion

So podcasts are the new radio – or something like that and never one to miss out on something new, I got together with my good friend and all round fashion maven Jane Shepherdson to put together a podcast.

Called Out of Fashion we take a light hearted look at the fashion industry and the general zeitgeist.  Each week for six weeks (and possibly longer if it proves popular) we will be talking about what we are loving (and sometimes hating) in retail, the media, exhibitions and fashion in general and will have special guests from the industry. A combination of insider insights & inspiration, along with some useful information, we hope to offer an honest and witty view on what’s going on – week to week.

The first two episodes are live now on iTunes now and they will be weekly from now on. The best way to get new episodes straight to your phone /ipad is to subscribe and if you like what you hear, please rate us too. iTunes works like Amazon and the higher the ratings the further up the “charts” you go!!

You can also follow us on Twitter @OutofFashion_PC  and we’d love to know what you think?



  • Msd says:

    Sounds interesting! I’ll subscribe.

  • Erin says:

    Loving the podcast and you mention there are notes to some of your references somewhere. Where would I find these?
    Many thanks

  • Sumit says:

    some lovely pictures and interesting ensembles. Looks like you can wear anything if you wear it with confidence!

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  • Kelly Wightman says:

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  • alexseen says:

    Nekega poletnega dne sem iskal mesto, kjer bi lahko stavil na tenis, in izbral sem slovenija. To spletno mesto se je izkazalo za zelo uporabno, saj je ponujalo veliko možnosti za stave na različne športne dogodke. Našel sem podrobne vodnike o tem, kako skleniti stavo in kako uporabiti bonuse, da bi povečal svoj dobiček. Zahvaljujoč temu spletnemu mestu sem s svojim hobijem začel služiti resnične prihodke.

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