Jo Harris, left, receives a manicure at the Silver Pearl salon from founder Rachel Simkiss
Occasionally you hear about an act of kindness that warms your heart and makes you vow to be more charitable in the future. Rachel Simkiss is one such person, who gave up her 'dream job' as the marketing director of an art gallery after her mother developed cancer, to set up the The Silver Pearl Salon.
The salon in Bond Street channels money from its fee paying customers, in order to offer free complimentary therapies and beauty sessions for women afflicted and affected by cancer. Many of the clients are referred from Barts and the salon are looking for other London health trusts to work with.
A spokeswoman for the Look Good Feel Better charity, which runs make-up workshops in hospitals, said: “Finding out you have cancer in any form can be life-changing, and the added stress of the appearance-related side effects of treatment can be demoralising and very hard to cope with.
“This can have serious consequences on self-esteem and confidence at a time when a positive attitude is very important.”
We wish there were more people out there like Rachel Simkiss.