I was clearing out the attic the other day and came across an old cookery book I had bought at a car boot sale. Inside, was a Polaroid taken at a shoot I styled many moons ago (how dated the clothes looked), some recipe cards from an 80's issue of Elle and a hand written recipe for elderberry and apple jelly. I have no idea who wrote the recipe, but it got me thinking about how there is a whole generation who will never want or need to write these kind of notes. Why should they, when at the click of a button they can locate instructions for anything.
My house is full of hand written instructions hidden in odd places as my mum and grandma are/were fond of writing out recipes and knitting patterns and somehow I have ended up with some of them. They are an insight into another time, when women hand knitted vests and hats and bothered to document their favourite recipes. I wonder who Miss Miller was?