International Women’s day started in the Soviet Union in the early 1920’s as a way for European women to highlight their solidarity and commitment to equal economic and political rights, and to celebrate their contribution to society.
While we may still have some way to go, as highlighted in the above film, great improvements have been made over the years and IWD has evolved from being just a reminder of the negative aspects of equal rights, to a celebration of the positives and the achievements of many amazing women.There are lots of events taking place around the world today and for the rest of the week, with many countries declaring the day a public holiday. Take a look at the IWD website to find out more.
We will be attending several interesting events this week. Tonight is the opening night of the Birds Eye View Film Festival dedicated to women film makers and there is a great line up of films showing throughout March around London. Tomorrow night we will be going along to see Grayson Perry (presumably dressed as Claire) talk to Maggie Semple about his/her favourite item of clothing, as part of the Semple Secrets events. More about this later in the week.
We don’t know how we would survive without our support network of amazing women both at home and at work and would like to make our own contribution to IWD by celebrating what we love about women.
We love women because
They make things happen – whether its the cake stall at the PTA, or running a multi-national corporation, women get things done, because they are clever, emotionally intelligent and can do lots of things at once.
Women care – a lot – about a lot of people, often while doing lots of other things
Women build communities and support and help each other. What would do without our local network of friends and neighbours (especially when our children were young). We hope there are women like that around when we are old.
They listen – and have empathy, something many men have yet to learn to do!
Women make each other laugh because we understand each other and if we didn’t laugh, we would almost certainly cry.
Women know how to make you feel good – they will tell you are great at your job, a good mother, look young, thin, etc etc even if you’re not.
Women communicate in a way men can only dream of, and emailing, social networking and blogging make us even better at it.
Female best friends are for life – and don’t care if you change your mind, moan about your partner all the time, are a useless driver, or only ever eat Mr Kipling cakes (you know who you are), they are there for you. You may not have seen each other for months or live in different countries, but give it half an hour and a glass of Pinto Grigio and you will be seventeen again.
Happy International Women’s Day x
I love your list! Certainly the best reasons! And so true. Thank you for this post.
Look forward to seeing you this evening x