Neon nails from OPI
So, neon nail polish is FULL of toxic chemicals that aren’t great for your nails, no me neither. I only know this because I found out last week that OPI has always said it would never do neon because it was so bad for the nail base….however, due to the fact that we all seem to love a neon nail coupled with OPI’s desire to make some money keep us all happy, it has produced a summer mini pack of neons with a super-protective white base coat which must be used under the colours. This way your nails will be ok, but OPI is naggingly insistent that you use the special base coat without fail, it likens it to ‘going out without underwear…just don’t’. You have been warned.
I love this complete set of mini polishes, perfect for pool side painting, which also come up matt (love a matt nail) although there’s a top coat too if you want a gloss finish. They are £19.95 from OPI outlets such as John Lewis from July.