A new approach to street style by Maria Lavigina


Maria with artist George Skeggs

Over the last few years I have been working with various different charities and  mentoring schemes – helping young people to realise their potential and giving them insights into the creative industries is increasingly important as many charities and youth schemes struggle to keep going as their funds are cut.

I came across the extremely talented illustrator Maria Lavigina recently and was so impressed with her work that I asked her to work on streetstyle illustrations of the recent London menswear collections for my trend forecasting service Unique Style Platform.

She spent two days taking photographs of the most stylish men (some of them older too) outside the shows and the results are both inspiring and beautiful. They have a lovely natural quality and make a welcome change from the  streetstyle images that have become standard.



Maris is available for commissions (I would love her work on my walls) and you can see more of Marias work at www.marialavigina.com.

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