A Scented and Healing Fog Cloud To Help You Keep Sane During Festive Madness

Last week I voluntarily sat in a cloud of delicately scented fog, fully clothed, while listening to an abstract, slightly beach-influenced sound track that gave me a moment of coastal calm in an otherwise mad week. I appreciate this might sound a bit bonkers but ‘experience retail’ is what it’s all about at the moment and believe me, it’s not as bonkers as you’re going to feel when you’re immersed – tinsel deep- in your festive schedule.

On moments when you’re fed up of arguing with your loved ones about if it’s turkey or tofu this year, why you HAVE to invite great aunt Mabel and her smelly shitsu and wondering where everyone was when the dishwasher needed emptying/filling after yet another pre-Christmas Christmas lunch, you’ll love the sound of fifteen minutes spent on your own, softly inhaling uplifting botanicals and mindful essential oil mixes while sat in what is basically a smart greenhouse.

The fog-cloud is actually Thalassotherapy, by the clever Haeckels, Made Of Margate brand. And it’s not fog, its a marine layer, created by a nebuliser which reduces salt water (of Margate origin, obvs), seaweed and anti oxidant rich oils into nano particles which can be easily absorbed into the body. You can pick an assortment of scented oils to put into the cloud, depending on how you want to feel. So you can choose to perhaps get an uplifting or energizing boost before work/Christmas shopping, or perhaps a calming close to a day’s work before going out in the evening; the effect can be bespoke to your needs.

It’s also a very hydrating experience, so if your festive party antics reduce you to a wrinkled prune the next day, ahem, well you know where to go.

It’s £30 for a 15 minute experience at the tiny but charming Haeckels store in Brick Lane. Phone/mail to book an appointment. While you are there you might like to take home some of the spiced clove, citrus-tinged Bog Myrtle scent cones too, as they are my favourite way to make your house smell festive fast. They also make excellent presents for teens/young adults, who can make their bedrooms smell better. More of my fave Haeckels products below.

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