Trend Watch: Yellow


Tell someone at a party you are a trend and colour forecaster for the fashion industry and you can be almost certain what their next question will be, 'What colour will I be wearing next year?'  I usually answer, 'whatever colour you love'.

Colour is a very personal thing, especially when you get to a certain age. There is the danger one can get stuck in a rut and its good to experiment, even if it's just wearing tones of your favourite colour. Although that's not that easy if you always wear black!

Personally I've never been afraid of colour and think wearing a bright colour on a Winters day, is a great way to lift your spirits.

According to Pantone (the Fashion Industry's standard colour provider) next years colour is Mimosa or PANTONE® 14-0848

"In a time of economic uncertainty and political change, optimism is paramount and no other colour expresses hope and reassurance more than yellow. The colour yellow exemplifies the warmth and nurturing quality of the sun, properties we as humans are naturally drawn to for reassurance,” explains Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Colour Institute. "Mimosa also speaks to enlightenment, as it is a hue that sparks imagination and innovation. It is a versatile shade that co-ordinates with any other colour, has appeal for men and women, and translates to both fashion and interiors. Look for women’s accessories, home furnishings, active sportswear and mens ties."

Not sure would be seen dead in a yellow tie, but personally I've always loved yellow, ever since Fay Fife from punk band 'The Rezillos' wore yellow tights at a gig at Hull University in 1981.

Now I'm really showing my age!

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