Modern dillema: to tumble dry or not?

Laundry 2

We've been having an ongoing debate here at the Womens Room about one of the more important things in life. To tumble dry or not? I am dead against them and love to peg out and Amanda is in two minds. Having three boys with dirty sports kits, sometimes she doesn't have an option. 

Making the choice not to have a tumble dryer means washing all over the house in the colder months and unless you live in a huge house, it can take over. As more and more people choose to dry their clothes the old fashioned way, whats the alternative to washing dripping from every radiator? Well, we have done a little research and come up with the Womens Room guide to the most stylish drying accessories.

We like traditional wooden airers and think they are much more stylish than the modern plastic ones. H is for Home have a fold out airer at £38 and an overhead pulley for £35. Re-Found Objects have a concertina overhead affair for £12.50 (stylish towels not supplied) 

We also love the rustic pegs available from H is for Home, which are a little expensive at £10, but look great.


Days Gone by also have a good selection of untreated wood traditional style airers ranging from £42 – £58.

Of course good old John Lewis have an excellent selection of very practical (if a little hideous to look at) elaborate airers, as do Lakeland.
Happy drying.

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