While out at aurumn press days last week, we came across two stylish MDs, Mary Homer (above), MD of Topshop and Jessica Seaton (below) MD of Toast. Both were wearing print tunic shaped dresses worn with coloured tights and cute necklaces and looked totally fab.
Mary was wearing a Topshop dress from the Unique range ( ‘it’s old’ she told us, so last season then…), Topshop ballet flats, navy matt tights and a Stella McCartney duster coat, perfectly demonstrating how to do Hi-Lo dressing.
Jessica had on a Toast dress from next season, worn with two necklaces from this summer’s range (we liked the yellow feathers) and blue tights. The colour combinations were just gorgeous, if you notice she has on lovely blue tights too.
We love tunic-style dresses and these two ladies demonstrate why, they look smart AND stylish, don’t have to be messed about with and can take you anywhere. Recently we’ve been thinking about moving into trousers and skirts again, but looking at how great this dress look is, we’re going to keep it going for a little while longer. And frankly, if the MDs of two of our favourite brands are wearing them, then who are we to argue?
Love the way that even quite old people can wear this. We over 60s love this look, if that older lady from Toast can wear it so can I!