Despite being hard hearted, cynical been-around-the-block-and-seen-most-things fashion gals,we are big romantics here at TWR. Really, we are. So news that the deeply cool rock goddess Chrissie Hynde has been madly in love with a chap half her age and writing songs about him, truly melts our hard hearts.
He is JP Jones, 33 year old Welsh singer, who met Chrissie at a party, after which she says she coudn't stop writing songs about him. In WWD Ms Hynde states “It was a surprise to me, We could have said, ‘We have no future. See you later.’ I didn’t need to create a new band. The band I have with the Pretenders is awesome. [But] when I sit down, I write about him.” Oh the romance of it…..
The songs turned into a new album Fidelity, out today in the US and October 18th in the UK (why?) and a new band called JP, Chrissie and the Fairground Boys. From the track My Perfect Lover, the words go “I found my perfect lover, but he’s only half my age. He was learning how to stand when I was wearing my first wedding band.“ which sounds funny, sad and sexy all at the same time.
Somehow, this whole younger lover thing looks so much cooler when Ms Hynde does it (yes we're talking about you Madonna) because it seems a bit more authentic when it results in music and cool lyrics, but maybe that's just us. And it is Chrissie Hynde.
We SO wanted to be Chrissie Hynde when we were teens because she was the ultimate role model for strong independant females, she showed you could be BETTER than the boys at music AND look fabulous.
There's even an sustainable fashion line coming out of the relationship, the pair of them are launching Fairground Luck, a clothing range of leather jackets, cowboy boots (Inspired by Emmylou Harris's boots) and T shirts, which will all be non-leather, as Hynde has been a committed veggie and animal rights supporter since she was 17. No date on the launch but we'll keep you posted, any excuse to dress up as a rock-chick.
Here's the song If You Let Me, from the album, to keep you going. Sounds good to us, what do you think?