When our kids were little and we were struggling with the every day juggling of small children, jobs and relationships, Allison Pearson’s portrayal of modern day motherhood, I Don’t Know How She Does It was a breath of fresh air. Published 2002, it provided a witty, astute and heartfelt view of the chaos of trying ‘to have it all’, and made us feel a little bit better about hand decorating shop bought cup cakes for the school fair.
In my mind it was very much a British book, written by and about an English woman. So when I read that the film due out in September this year, is set in New York and stars Sarah Jessica Parker, I was more than a little dissapointed. Not that I dont like SJP, (I love Sex and the City) but for me, she is definatley not Kate Reddy!
Allison Pearson argues ” that doesn’t matter as it seems to be a universal feeling of juggling being a mum, keeping everyone happy, fulfilling yourself and still loving your children properly.”
Mmm, we’re not so sure! Perhaps we will have to forget we ever read the book to enjoy the film! And don’t get me started on Anne Hathaway as lead character Emma, in one of our favourite books of last summer, One Day by David Nicholls. Some how fake accents are just not convincing!
One day is out in August.