Today we’re having a little photographic appreciation of Mrs Prada. Just because.
Well actually it’s due to the fact she and Elsa Schiaparelli are the subject of a great new exhibition opening at the Costume Institute of the New York Met next week and her picture is all over the press this weekend. But it is good to remind ourselves, as women of 40plus, just how great a style icon she is for us (we’ll tackle Elsa on another post).
She is neither model-beautiful or skinny as a rake, she is quite short and has all her own wrinkles, yet she looks inspiring and gorgeous to me in almost every photo I see of her. She is intellectual, works her (stylish ankle, worn with strappy platform) socks off running her own company and still looks fun company. An All Round Inspiration.
It’s hard to pinpoint what she does that works so well and smarter analysts than I have said it better, but…she watches her fit -never overly tight figure – and shows off her good bits – she has shapely ankles, there’s always a great accessory thrown into the mix- my favourite is the tiara headband and her colour and print combos are clever.
Also, she looks like she’s having a blast most of the time with a great smile. Can I draw your attention to the picture below of Miuccia and Anna Wintour…poor Anna looks like her skinny neck might be about to snap under the weight of her immensely coiffed bobbed hair and bloated lips, whereas Miuccia clearly has just polished off a plate of pasta and a glass on red wine and is looking for the party…who’d you rather be friends with?
‘Throw a cardi over a sparkly dress and pair it with ankle socks and platforms’ sounds dressing up but Mrs P makes it work. She is exemplary at shoes and jewels.
If you are in New York the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute is showing Schiaparelli and Prada: Impossible Conversations, from May 10th to August 19th 2012.
Image credits
1 Lilaesthete Fashionindie
Hmmm – I must be the only one that thinks that Ms Prada looks a dog’s dinner.The photo of her with the yellow feathered skirt just says “Big bird” from Sesame Street to me and what does a woman over 20 think she looks like with socks and high heels, and that hair?
Do admit that she looks fun though and to have a middle added woman in fashion that looks her age is to be applauded.
Well Mrs P says that trying to make the ugly beautiful is one of her main influences, so I see where you are coming from Monix, but I love the fact that she is still experimenting with yellow bird skirts and banana earrings and doesn’t really seem too worried that anyone might not like it. Half the fun of fashion is experimenting and sometimes as we get older we forget how much fun and how liberating it can be just playing with clothes. The only thing I don’t like about those shoes/ankle socks is the height Ax
She looks amazing – radiant, interesting, fun and effortlessly comfortable in both her clothes and her own skin. I love every single one of these images. My only gripe is that I wish my ankles were pretty enough to allow me to pull off the socks and high heels look.
Helen x
I admire her, she has style and her character shines through. Love the black organza and her shoes are adorable