When we heard our favourite blogger and champion of growing old with style, Ari Seth Cohen was coming to London to launch his new book Advanced Style, we were more than a little excited. Having long been huge fans of Ari’s blog, we feel he’s played a huge part in the growing desire to celebrate age as a positive thing.
As more and more advertising campaigns, fashion shoots and blogs use older people as role models, brands, retailers, product and fashion designers see this ever growing market as increasingly important.
The ladies of Advanced Style are pioneers of style at any age, and we felt very privileged to be hanging out with them. The launch was held in the Mary Portas shop in House of Fraser and was quite honestly the best party we’ve been to in a long time. Full of interesting fashion people, artists, designers, bloggers and media folk, young and old enjoyed some brilliant 70’s tunes played by the fabulously stylish Thelma Speirs.
Remember her from the 80’s millenary duo, Bernstock and Speirs? Well they are still going strong, with an online collection and a shop on Brick Lane. Thelma looked amazing in silver sequins and matching silver hair.
It was also (obvs) the most stylish party we’ve been to in a long time – awash with bright colours and print and pattern – these women sure know how to make a statement.
One of our favourite ladies of the evening was Sue Kreitzman. Originally from New York she’s lived in London’s east end for over 20 years and began her career as a food writer and broadcaster. But in 1998 she stopped writing and cooking and started drawing, painting, and building assemblages. Her outsider art is inspired by powerful female images such as Josephine Baker, Frida Kahlo, Eve, Medusa and crafted from junk.
Sue made her necklace herself and told us she has collaborated with Tatty Devine to create a version, which will be available soon – I have to have one!!
We also loved the understated elegance of Rita, the writer of the Very Old Grandmother blog. Every detail of Rita’s outfit had been thought through, even down to her perfectly co-ordinating cane.
83 year old model Daphne Self looked stunning wearing a dress from the latest Old Ladies Rebellion collection. The range by Fanny Karst, is specifically designed for the older woman and Daphne has become firm friends with Fanny. The range is not cheap at around £500 for a dress, but she has recently launched a cheaper line called Karst & CO
We enjoyed the evening so much, it got us thinking, why not re-create a similar party of our own? So we are going to get together with Thatsnotmyage and arrange some kind of “club night” for us olders – anyone up for it?
YES, ME!!!!
Count me in too !
Sounds a great idea. Don’t live in London but I’d love to see pics and your thoughts. The more we see women of our age, in the media having fun, being interested and looking happy the better!
Wow, your photos are so much better than mine – I was far too excited, didn’t even get my camera out! Also, excited about the club night. Let’s discuss x
I just wanted to say how fab are Susannah Hunter’s bags?? And I do like looking at photos of stylish real people.Sue
Absolutely count me in, I’m in my sixties and think I look as good as I ever have.
Oh and loving the style of these fab ladies. Great style never dies !!