Just checking that all you stationery enthusiasts know that the iconic Blackwing 602 pencil is now back from the brink of disappearing and is available to buy from Pedlars?
You will all know of course that the original 602 pencil and its newer, white eraser sibling the Palomino 602 are simply wonderful pencils, being made in Japan and all. The company stopped production in 1998, to a right old hue and cry from pencil enthusiasts and the California Cedar company has brought them back into play.
They are not the same as the original Blackwing pencil however and if you thought a pencil was just a pencil, check out how OUTRAGED the global pencil community is with this hussy of a reproduction and its claims to fame on our favourite pencil blog PencilTalk. However, we think it’s still a mighyt pretty pencil and we’ve bought some from the Pedlars website here.