The Women’s Room has been asked by those nice people at Pure London to host a panel discussion on Reaching Out To Fashionable 40plus Women Online, exciting eh?
We have an extremely interesting group of panelists to talk with; Karen Scofield, CEO of the lovely Lucza collection, Julia Douglas, head of brand publications at Marks & Spencer and Chloe Williams, social media manager from our perennial favourite online community Boden. We will be talking about the best way to talk to us grown up women online and trying to inspire the audience (which will include buyers from independent stores and other fashion industry insiders) into hopefully talking to us more, with content we can happily engage with. Amanda is hosting the discussion as Jane will be flying back from her glam hols in New York.
If you are attending Pure London (it’s a fashion trade show for independent store buyers), come and say hello and join in the discussion! We’re on at 2.15 on Tuesday 21st August. Check out the schedule for further details
If not, you might like to leave a comment today telling me who you think currently is great at talking to us online and who is rubbish and why. I’ll read the best of your questions out on the day and you can have your say that way. I’ll be live tweeting during the discussion and will blog about what was said after it happens.
Now all I have to do is decide what to wear! By the way, the lace up wellingtons (above) were at Pure in February, for sale in an independent near you this autumn, nice aren’t they?