Hanro vests: sensible sale buying

hanro long johns

I am now officially addicted to Hanro vests, they are the Rolls Royce of underwear. As well as being a dream to wear, they come in such pretty shapes that are often trimmed with lace and are seamless for extra comfort, it makes vest wearing positively glamourous.

I now rarely venture out without one and we all know that winter hasn’t really got going yet. There will be a Big Chill, there always is so you might want to think about investing (sorry, couldn’t resist) in some quality numbers. If you do it quickly, you can benefit from some good sale savings. The simple spaghetti strap vest is down to £14.50 and the lace trimmed Eliza -which I have and love- is down to £24.00. The lace trimmed leggings are also reduced, to £46.

This is sensible sale purchasing, vests don’t go off trend and you get great quality at better prices. Yes I know Uniqlo do good value vests but trust me here with Hanro, it’s a bit like cashmere, when you’ve worn it there’s no going back to wool. Get going if you want those bargains.

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