Anthology is a refreshingly good read, in a magazine market saturated with celebrity obsessed trash and beautiful but “samey” lifestyle publications. Stunning images, nice paper and contemporary design doesn’t always make for really interesting features with people you’d actually like to meet and I’m getting a little tired of paying as much for a magazine as I would for a book.
Issue 15 of Anthology focuses on Style at Every Age and features a chat with photographer Kristin Perers who creates theThis Is 50 blog. Kristin lives in a vicarage, very near my house and has fabulous style. I have been hankering for an invite to tea, as I’m fascinated by an actual vicars wife, living in a grand old vicarage in Hackney. So Kristen if you are reading – whenever you’re free?
The issue also looks at Venice Beach from the perspective of a native, visits two sisters in Vancouver and their mother who lives in Mexico and explores how all three of their homes share an appreciation for the naturally beautiful, and meets Rossana Orlandi, the super stylish 70-year-old Italian gallerist and owner of one my favourite shops in the world.
You can find Anthology in selected stores, or you can order it online.
Had to order this on line as only Take a break and Heat available here.I think you would find the contrast between country and metro life interesting.
Kristen Perers sounds really interesting, get her interviewed now!
J, don’t you dare go to tea with Kristen without me, I can feel a girl crush coming on Ax
haha I think Kirsten is going to be our NBF A x