Badges to wear when you’re proud to be a knitter or crocheter, from True Brit Knits

badges k1p1 I love these old school badges from True Brit Knits, they remind me of the ones I used to wear on my old school tie.

Those badges were a weird thing, weren’t they? in some ways they were a a bit of one-upmanship displaying how fabulously important you were- Head Girl! Prefect! Netball colours! -which reinforced an odd hierachy of power, but in other ways they were a bit of a fashion statement within the strict confines of school rules. The way you wore them -on your tie or on your blazer?- and in which order above each other, said something about you, although what that was now I’ve clean forgotten. I do remember that too many on your tie was not cool as it marked you out as an overachiever before you’d learnt exactly what that meant.

knitting badges The old school riff seems perfectly pitched towards being proud about being a craftswoman.

I asked co founder Belinda from True Brit Knits what gave them the idea, she said “Someone we know knew about them and told us we should have one with KNITTER on. So we did and they sold well. Then we got requests for CROCHETER (actually crocheters seemed quite put out we didn’t have them) and then we thought we’d do an ‘abbreviations’ range and the K1, P1 is the first in that series.”

The factory that makes them has apparently been doing school and ceremonial trophies for decades. I’d like to put in a request for a Sewer badge too, although that might look odd written down in brass and enamel…

Now they are hot sellers -in assorted colours – at £10 each and make perfect gifts for knitters, there is also a very nice notebook on the website too. I’m thinking or getting some badges made with The Women’s Room on for our events, what do you think?

Meanwhile, you can buy the knitting and crochet ones from True Brit Knits notebook


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