I don’t know HOW I missed this collab between Uniqlo’s UT collection and our favourite haberdashery store Merchant & Mills. I can only apologies for being so slow, it’s been out for a month or two and quite a few styles are now on sale.
My favourite T is the I’m Not What I Seem one above, which comes in a scoop neck shape for women, but if you’re going all Agender, the men’s round neck shape might be more your style. The colours are excellent, neutrals, naturals and khaki, not a wishy washy pastel in sight.
Those of you keeping up with fashion news might be away that athleisure – a nasty new word that covers sports kit in nice fabrics that you’d happily wear outside the gym- is a hot new trend. A good T shirt and a smart hoodie is an essential staple of the athleisure wardrobe, so you could nab either the Rapid Repair Kit hoodie – which sounds like it might be the essential uniform of a fierce sewing club – or the Sew Cloth Together sweat and be bang up to date.
I think the Measuring Tape T is going on my ‘to buy’ list too and anyone with a sewing machine will go a bit soft on the Sew Machine Made. I’m also having the khaki hoodie with the scissors logo, as my athleisure time will undoubtably be spent snipping something….
All available from the Uniqlo website, but be quick, sizes are selling out fast.