Style Icons and fashion shows: Biba at Topshop


Barbara Hulanicki at Topshop 

The Women’s Room has been going to fashion shows for decades and although we always get excited about a new season, we are definitely past the breathless excitement stage that we used to feel when first attending these things. So going to the London Fashion Week Topshop show this Saturday from a spot of morning gardening (pruning hydrangeas) seemed very grounded and sane.


In fact as experienced show attendees, we often find our minds wondering from the clothes on the catwalk to what the audience is wearing, and of course we’re looking at the older members of the fashion crowd in particular, unlike the whole rest of the world who seem to have an obsession with Pixie Geldorf and Daisy Lowe if this show was anything to go by.


So we got very excited when we spotted the woman who should possibly be hailed as the founder of high street fashion, Barbara Hulanicki (aka Biba) milling around pre-show.


Readers, she looked wonderful. Head to toe in black (slinky tailored coat with splashes of hidden colour in the lining, neat shoestring strap under-dress and boots) with her golden bob, lightly tanned skin (she lives in Miami) and big-but-not-bug-like glasses she looked like the perfect Women’s Room style icon for wearing your age with giant dollops of style.


We also loved her over sized rings and Biba-ish neck scarf and rejoiced at her wrinkles, which gave her queenly gravitas. Most importantly, hanging about with an equally sexy looking Twiggy, she looked as if she was having a ball.


She has collaborated with Topshop to produce a 20 piece collection of catsuits, suede jackets, slinky palazzo pants and tops (which all sound very original Biba) which arrive in store and online mid April. We will be there to report on how they look and will keep our fingers crossed that Topshop has thought about producing the clothes larger than size 10.

 Read more London fashion Week highlights  

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