We Love: Juicy Tomatoes.com


After our popular post on The Red Hat society, Women's Room reader Jacqueline told us about a terrific website called Juicy Tomatoes.com, written (really well) by newspaper columnist, author and broadcaster Susan Swartz.  It is a website promoting life after 50 and covers similar ground to The Women's Room but with a US readership. Susan writes about Washington, the media's approach to women over 50 , un-retirement hair colour, dancing and global women. She also comes up with a new word to describe 50plus – Ripe. We like it.

Her articles are a great read, we particularly loved learning about The Blue Thong Society (a sort-of off shoot of the Red Hat Society only different) and her critique on how the attitude towards older men and women in the media is slowly changing and a great piece on friendships. If you can't be bothered to read, then you can listen to Susan's podcasts on the site, start with the great The Grey Wars: celebrate it or cover it up? which discusses the whole grey hair issue with a bunch of intelligent women, all with different views on what to do (and what to call) ageing hair.

American boomer women are fascinating to us here at The Women's Room as they seem slightly ahead of UK women on the whole issue of changing attitudes towards age. There are more of them, obviously and there are more of them on the web, partly due to broad band being widely available in the US earlier than Europe, so they really get blogs, social networking etc, particularly since their newspaper industry is collapsing around them, but that's another blog story. 

There are some good links to other blogs, particularly Great Old Broads For Wilderness, a bunch of wrinkled wild life and country supporters who could possibly claim to be the original 'greens' by the look of things.

It's nice to know we're not alone in our quest to change attitudes, we feel a global community coming on….

Juicy Tomatoes.com

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