Beautiful image of Camila Batmanghelidjh by Emilie Sandy emiliesandy.com
Camila is the patron saint of troubled children and our all round favourite inspiring person. Ever. She’s not just a Weekend Woman, she’s a lifetime woman of substance. Jane and I have met her on a number of occasions and she never fails to astonish us with her clarity of sight and amazing dedication when it comes to making troubled kids lives better. She is a mash-up of wondrous hope, determination, sanity, calm and intelligence encased in an always brightly hued wrapper of decorative print (these days mostly designed and sewn by Magbule Mulla).
As we get closer to the Christmas giving season and thoughts turn to present lists, can you take a moment to remember Kids Company, the charity tirelessly headed by Camila that does such fantastic work, but is always short on funding. If you think times are hard amongst ordinary people, imagine what it’s like at a cash strapped charity looking after the type of kids everyone else runs a mile from.
Add them to your Christmas list here. And if you find yourself with time on your hands, maybe you’ve got a skill Camila could use, check out how to become one of Camila’s Angels here
Image via Emilie Sandy
I have long admired Camila and wondered how I might help (other than with a cash donation) and now can see how I could help in a school or centre with my cookery skills or mentor a child with an interest in food. Thank you for the update and links – I shall be applying to help. Carol