I brought my computer on holiday with me, because I go into a cold sweat if I think about having to be separated from it for any length of time. Middleagedad moaned at me for 'bloody blogging' the whole time and generally got very sniffy about the need for computers on a family holiday.
Then we got stranded.
Suddenly, my computer, my email account and access to the BBC news and Virgin Atlantic webpages were ALL IMPORTANT and I was having to compete for access on my trusty machine. Bloody cheek I say.
Anyway, when I did finally get a chance to research a few new blogs, I found I rather liked this one.
LamBert's Hymnal
Firstly, fessing up, I know the writer of this new food blog, he's a sweetie and altho he describes himself as 'depressed, single and of no fixed abode', I can't quite understand why, as he is excellent company and gorgeous (too young for us though ladies…)
I love wordy blogs when they are written well and this is a crackingly funny and sharply observed comment on all aspects of the food industry, from newspaper critics (owch! by the way on A.A Gill, but So agree), to pubs of the year and your local Starbucks. As this builds up it might become a very useful place to go to before venturing out for lunch or supper. Young Si knows of what he speaks, too, as he spent ages running his own restaurant and pub.
I only hope his budget holds out,
PS, Si is also a musician and once played with the lovely Anais Mitchell, who we wrote about last week. TWR reader Nick texted to say that Anais got a 5 star review in both the Guardian and The Sunday Times this weekend for Hadestown and The Sunday Times made it the CD of the week! Of course you read about Anais here first, a whole week earlier…..