The great thing abut Top Shop over the last few years, is that if you are a discerning shopper of any age, you will always be able to find something to add excitement to your wardrobe. Whether its a OTT piece of jewellery or a pair of brightly coloured tights, once you have got over the overwhelmingly huge choice (especially if you are in the Oxford Circus branch) you will almost certainly come out having bought something.
Having a teenage daughter means I spend more time in the Oxford Circus branch than a 40 something women probably should, but if I’m honest I love trawling through the rails and working out which look she should go for. We were both very excited about the launch of the new make up range and teen was very keen for me to try it out. Read – I buy it, she steals it seconds after I bring it home, and I never ever see it again!!
I spotted the range in Selfridge’s last week and was overwhelmed by the fabulous spectrum of nail varnish colours. So much so, that I would actually have been tempted to buy the whole range had they been doing a special deal. They also do a nail mattifier which gives a lovely matt top coat and looks great on some of the paler colours (right now I’m wearing matt yellow!!)
I ended up buying four nail colours, an orange lipstick and a tinted moisturiser. They don’t actually do a foundation, only tinted moisturiser, which is great news for mums like me, who cant stand seeing their teens beautiful skin caked in thick foundation. So if Top Shop say the natural look is in, maybe we’ll manage to convince them it’s a good look!!!
Despite the fact that I’m pretty sure this range is not aimed at women over forty, if like me, you are not afraid of trying out new colours, you are going to love it. But mothers of teen daughters, beware, you may need to hide it.
The whole range is available online.