Chiswick Mall is one of the most beautiful, hidden bits of residential London, with The Thames on one side (most of the gardens have a riverside section) and the M4 on the other. Many of the houses were built in the 1700s and the area and some of the named houses appear in the book Vanity Fair. Needless to say, many of them, being large, are stonkingly expensive. So when, once a year, a few of them open up their gardens to the public, many locals visit to have a good old nose at such historic and valuable properties, us included.
The gardens are amazing, full of ancient trees, fabulous borders against old, tall brick walls, wonderful planting and inspiring ideas. The gardeners often have seedlings and small plants for sale (many of the plants in my garden came originally from here) and are happy to chat and identify what they’ve grown. below are highlights, if you are a gardener or nosey house person (like us) mark the last may Bank Holiday in your diary for next year and head along.
I am more than amazed by the colours!