The Burning House

What would you save if your house were burning down? Difficult one isn’t it.

Foster R Huntington asks the question on his blog The Burning House and invites people to post a picture and list of the things they would save and why. The submissions are an interesting mixture of the practical, sentimental and valuable and provide an insight into the people who have posted them. I love the fact that the architecture students belongings are displayed in neat colour co-ordinated rows.

My list would include:

The dog and cats (assuming the rest of the family were safe)  –  for obvious reasons

The computer – as it has my whole life stored on it (note to self – back up the hard drive!)

A wooden chest containing all our family photographs.

A Banksy print – as it’s worth money.

My ceramic swan and bird collection

Girls story books that belonged to my grandmother and mum.

Everyones passports and a credit card, so that we could run away to somewhere fabulous to escape our wrecked house.

MAD says the iron would be top of his list!
What would you save?


  • TussahSilk says:

    You lead me to such interesting websites / blogs.

    I love the idea of the burning house blog, but I don’t understand how people would have enough time to gather up half the objects they list. For me, I would collect the only photo I have of me with my parents and siblings. There is no hope of recreating THAT photo.

  • Jane says:

    I know what you mean, most people would be too hysterical to think about anything other than getting the HELL out of there!

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