Ok, so we work in fashion and can be as pretentious as the next person if necessary, but if we’re honest we find the Vogue blog and Twitter hash tag ‘Today I’m Wearing’ a little annoying. It seems to be all about listing what designer labels you are wearing that day. #TodayImwearing Celine jacket, Chloe dress, Louboutin shoes and a Balenciaga bag – you get the picture. Yawn yawn yawn, as we all know lots of money and designer labels do not necessarily make one stylish and we think #todayImwearing is what my mum would call ‘showing off’.
We like to Tweet what we are wearing with our tongues firmly in our cheeks and use percentages (thanks to one of our favourite bloggers Belguin Waffle who likes to describe her mood this way). Our Twitter updates tend to go a little like this……..
Today’s outfit = 20% too tight T shirt for a woman my age, 20% slightly too big cut off jeans, 20% sweaty and 40% bright red face #nice #fashion
Today’s look = 40% double denim, 10% cashmere, 25% long witchy old lady hair and 25% covered in dog hair as keep cuddling sad balless dog!

Today I’m wearing, Zara, Uniqlo and a very jealous, bitter and twisted face!
I always look forward to yours and Amanda’s #todayImwearing tweets. Yours after seeing Black Swan were hilarious! Pls keep them up, on a daily basis, both of you……
She look fantastic. Her figure still looks quite good too which probably helps. I wonder if she mostly wears blues and navy?