Go see this: Henry Moore Late Large Forms at Gagosian Gallery

Henry Moore at the Gagosian Gallery

I grew up with Henry Moore in my life, my dad was a big fan, had books and prints of his work and made many of his own wood ‘carvings’ as we used to call them, inspired by him and Barbara Hepworth. I thought I was pretty immune to the power of Moore’s sculptures now, since I’ve seen a lot of them but this exhibition of large (giant, really) forms at the Gagosian Gallery blew me away. They are curvaceous, erotic, magnificent and beautiful. The bronze has a shiny warmth you want to stroke, and big love to the Gagosian for allowing you to both touch the works and take photos, Moore always encouraged the public to get up close and touch the sculptures but since they are now worth millions it’s good to still be able to do it.

Henry Moore at the Gagosian Gallery

Henry Moore at the Gagosian Gallery

The verdigris patina on this giant size form above is fabulous.

Henry Moore at the Gagosian Gallery

Henry Moore close up at the Gagosian Gallery

Henry Moore at the Gagosian Gallery

Influenced by nature, Henry Moore at the Gagosian Gallery

As well as the huge forms on show, there are a few small maquettes demonstrating how Moore was inspired by nature, including the flint stone above and the maquette of the sculpture it turned into.

Go see this if you can, honestly it’s just wonderful and it’s on until 18th August at the Gagosian Gallery, 6-24 Britannia St, London WC1X 9JD.

Henry Moore at the Gagosian Gallery

1 Comment

  • sarah says:

    I have never loved Henry Moore, admired and respected, but not loved.
    These beautiful shapes have made me think again. I think it is do with the hard, shiny,soft going on all a once.

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