The Set Table by Hannah Shuckburgh

the set table

If you are free on Thursday 25th April and you love a beautifully set table, can we suggest you nip along to Anthropologie in The King’s Road Chelsea, where Hannah Shuckburgh is celebrating the launch of her pretty new book The Set Table, The Art of Small Gatherings with an in store workshop on table setting.

Hannah is Easy Living magazine’s feature editor and a regular writer on Vogue and the book offers up a nicely written, light investigation into everything to do with the set table, such as linen, cutlery, glassware and flower arranging. The images are charming and gently inspiring, there’s nothing here that you can’t easily do at home with a bit of effort and Hannah’s guiding hand.

I have lots of lovely china and love pottering around with display, as you know, but my sons and middleagedad are quite happy to eat supper out of the saucepans used to cook it and assume a smartly laid table (ie with cutlery all facing the right way and perhaps a water glass or two) means there are guests coming.

For us, any excuse to pop into Anthroplogie is a worthwhile one and if you buy the book I’m sure Hannah will sign it for you as you learn how turn your granny’s old chipped china into a fabulously creative spread.

Available to buy here  and here

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