Supported, smell-free sportswear with Freya

freya top

I have been struggling to find really good, supportive clothes for yoga. On my ‘Things Annoying Me Today’ list are sports companies that assume we’re happy to be clad in skin tight black, pastel or neon lycra which takes no account of the need to firmly hold bosoms that might not be so perky and bouncy as they once (if ever) were.

Other things that make me cross are too tiny straps which frankly are hardly worth the effort and offer no support, hemlines that are too short and ride up during Down Dog exposing soft undualtions of skin you’d rather keep hidden and that shrink-to-fit tightness around the underarm area which makes a muffin-top of every bit of exposed skin.

Then I was tipped off about Freya Active, a sports top that is actually a nicely supportive bra built into a perfectly acceptably-shaped top. I really like Freya bras, they are well made, pretty but supportive and although not as cheap as chips, they last for ages. I was properly measured to ensure I got the right fit and having put it through its paces, I can confirm it is excellent. There are adjustable straps on the shoulders as well, to help with the fit and it’s made of super-supportive fabric, the only slight issue, due to the firm nature of the fabric, is that it’s a wee bit of a struggle to get into, but I guess that’s the support-payback. Once in, you’re very safely and comfortably supported and the top comes in size 30-38, with D-HH cup.

The fabric is saturated with Polygiene, a natural silver salt that neutralises odours, enabling you to develop a very relaxed attitude to washing your kit, the brand claims the top will last twice as long before it walks itself to the washing machine.

You can buy on line here, it’s a reasonable £56 (I had my previous yoga top for 15 years, so if this one lasts as long,  that works out at about £3.73 a year) the company offers extensive help online to ensure you get the right fit and theres a chat advice service that will answer your questions if you need.


  • Pea Peter says:

    We’re truly amazed at your decoration skills. This sportswear looks great!

  • Serjio Jemas says:

    Such sportswear can be great for people who play sports and exercise regularly. I have been playing basketball for a long time but now I can’t do this due to injury.

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