The Twelve Days of Christmas -expressed in the medium of knitting

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I know I’ve mentioned Creation Knits in Barnes before, but it keeps on getting better with its window displays, I really HAVE to show you what its done for this Christmas because I think it’s the best thing since the Knitted Olympics.

Done in beautiful detail, this season we have The Twelve Days of Christmas done in knitted form, complete with knitted leaping lords, beautifully dancing maids (don’t you love their hair?) and a very fat partridge in a pear tree. It made me smile so much, I had to share it with you.

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The positioning of the dancers is full of charm and humour….

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Same with the pipers….

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Milking maids with very cute boots…

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Swans a swimming…..

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Three French hens.

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Two turtle doves…

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Lords a leaping, drummers drumming and below….a jolly fat partridge in a (knitted) pear tree. Awesome stuff.

partridge at creation knits



  • Belinda says:

    Oh, that is FAB!!! X x

  • Sue says:

    Amanda, they are totally surreal.Fantastic.Not sure I could contemplate even trying to knit something like that.I have enough difficulty with straight up and down stuff.xs

  • amanda says:

    I know Sue, it leaves me completely awe struck, and the poses are getting better too, gold stars all round. A

  • Fantastic! That’s a very proud looking partridge.

  • Becky says:

    Wow that is fantastic – I would love to visit this knitting shop of mythic proportions one day !

  • Sarah/Lilac says:

    Love it! Quite nervous clicking on your link after reading about the woman who practices vaginal knitting!

  • amanda says:

    Vaginal knitting? a stitch too far methinks Ax

  • Tiffany says:

    Gorgeous! Something to aspire to when I’m a granny (not that I don’t knit now, just that this looks like it would require SERIOUS time and thought!).

  • DIANE says:

    could I possibly have the patterns 4 all of the Knitted 12 days o fchristMAS ..THNQ..GOD BLESS U … frm Diane

  • Mrs. J. E. woan. says:

    Enjoyed knitting the 12 knits of Christmas ( 78 ) characters in all.m for a charity. I had help with the faces. A lot of work but worthwhile.

  • Fiona Ambler says:

    Please tell me where I can buy this. ?? Simply stunning. It is just what I would like for my Christmas window display this year. Thank you I’m advance

  • Marian says:

    Anyway I can get hold of this pattern, would love to do for our Community Shop window! Many thanks.

  • Marian says:

    Anyway I can get hold of this pattern, would love to do for our Community Shop window…. for 2019 of course! Many thanks.

  • Heather says:

    Wow wonderful display and fabulous knitting.

    Where o where can I get the pattern,..I’d love to knit and display at my school.


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