If you haven’t heard about the new BBC 2 drama Life in Squares where have you been. It explores the lives and loves of the Bloomsbury Set – focusing on sisters Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell – and is fabulous, both for the storyline (lots of bohemian sex, art and literature) and the way it looks.
The older Vanessa Bell is played by the wonderful Eve Best (remember her as the English doctor in Nurse Jackie).
I have long been a fan of Vanessa Bell, who designed textiles as well as art, creating hand-painted linens with geometric patterns as part of the Omega Workshops, a craft collective based in Fitzroy Square. The colourful print fabrics were made intro dresses worn by many society hostesses of the time.
I can feel a visit to Charleston coming on……
Life in Squares is currently airing on BBC Two on Mondays at 9pm.
I am loving every minute of Life in Squares, such a fascinating story.
Sadly, despite looking forward to this series and being a huge Bloomsbury Group fan, I have been disappointed so far. It doesn’t really explain who people are / their connections , even really what they do, so unless you know the history of the group it could be a bit confusing.
I’m persevering however and hope I start loving it as you do Jane.