In 2016 I Will be………..


As Amanda said yesterday, we are not big fans of detox/dry January. After such a warm December, we are sure to be in for some cold weather soon, so the next few months will be all about hunkering down at home Hygge style, eating healthily, trying to do some gentle exercise and planning exciting things for the year ahead.

So instead of posting a list of all the things I will be denying myself, here are some of the things I will be doing in 2016.

Trying to drink less coffee and more tea and visiting a great new local, The Stoke Newington Tea House. A pub with a twist The Tea House does, breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner and has as a great range of teas as it does craft cask ales.


The Stoke Newington Tea House

Brightening up the first month of the year with a visit to Lumiere London, a major new light festival which is takes place across four evenings in January. The free event will feature a host of international artists who will transform iconic architecture using 3D projections, interactive installations and other extraordinary light works.


Re-cycled plastic bottle light installation

Eating more Brunch – my favourite meal of the day. A dog walk followed by an avocado egg combination is my favourite way to start a weekend morning and there’s no need for lunch. The Good Egg (also at the top of my street!) is my new favourite brunch spot.


In my constant quest to achieve some Scandi chic at home I will be lighting candles all day, every day. Candle and fire light is one of life’s greatest pleasures and SKANDINAVISK Fjord is my current scented candle of choice. A blend of coniferous forests and waterfalls, with notes of woods, ripening orchards, wild berries, blackcurrants and raspberry flowers its just the right blend of fresh and homely when you’ve had enough of spicey Christmas candles.



Apparantely the secret to success is getting up early – which means I should be a millionaire by now!  But it’s not just about being an early riser, its about doing something for yourself when you get up, according to Hal Elrod the author of a new book, The Miracle Morning. He suggests spending 10 minutes on meditation, affirmations, writing a journal, visualisation, reading and exercise is the secret to a happy and successful life.

I’m not sure I can devote an hour a day to all of the above, but I will definitely be tapping into the journal writing trend that is currently so popular with young people who want to have IRL experiences. My favourites are from Daily Greatness.

the_womens_room Journals

I plan to travel as much as possible this year and my list of places to visit includes Berlin and Palm Springs and as many British seaside towns as possible. That dream of owning a bungalow by the sea will come true one day.

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  • Good morning from Toronto, Amanda and Jane!

    I’ve been following your blog for one year exactly now, and it seems time to write a proper thank-you!! Because of the time change, I wake up to your charming, chatty, clever posts and they have brought me a lot of happiness. Sometimes our interests overlap (Patti Smith memoirs, various art exhibits); often you introduce me to British things I end up loving (Cos and Finery London).

    Just for your passing interest: I’m an almost 50-year old (may 2016!) with a PhD in English Lit (18th century widows in English novels…). I had my two boys (now ages 12 and 9) rather late in life, so I’ve stayed with them (I have an overworked lawyer husband who travels lots) and done some freelance writing rather than a proper career. Choices. Mostly happy ones.

    I digress! Just a big thank you to you both. Please don’t ever stop writing!! Such a small but sustaining pleasure for the rest of us!!!

    All best wishes,


  • sally says:

    with regard to British seaside the offer still stands!

  • Jane says:

    Thanks for your lovely comment Sydney. Great to have you as a reader.
    Much love Jane and Amanda x

  • Jane says:

    Thanks Sally – will definitely take you up on it when the weather gets a bit better

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