Iris Apfel’s Wearable Tech


It seems like everyone I know got a wearable tech wristband for Christmas. Couples are competing for the most amount of steps per day and constantly check the amount sleep/nutrition/activity they are getting.

It makes sense to track our fitness as we age and I am feeling the pressure to join in, but I’m not a fan of the way the current bands look. Surely there is huge potential for fashion companies to create something that fits in with the rest of our wardrobe and is stylish, rather than sporty.

94-year old Iris Apfel is doing just that with her “Wisewear” collection of jewellery, which monitors health and physical activities. The range has three styles, the “classic” Kingston, the “modern” Duchess and the “body and edgy” Calder. They look like jewellery rather than fitness bands and come in either a gold of silver finish.

Iris also has plans to extend the range to include more statement pieces, necklaces, brooches and men’s accessories, saying “if a technology is going to strive to save my life, then at least take the next step to make me look good while doing it.”


Wise wear not only tracks your activity throughout the day, sending real time texts, emails and calendar reminder, it also has a distress setting which enables users to send a signal to designated people, along with a geolocation and sound/video recordings of the users surroundings.

They are a little too “statement” for me – but I love the idea of wearable tech jewellery, rather than black rubber bands.

Now if COS were to do one………

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