Image via Styledumonde.com
It’s been a remarkable sale for retailers apparently. Due to it not actually being cold enough to need knits and coats, we all held back on our pre Christmas purchasing so much so, that by the time the sale did come around we went a bit bonkers with the bargains.
I was perusing the dregs of the Liberty sale last week and commented to the sales assistant that there was not much left (as he wrapped my APC jeans, marked down from £135 to £50 -result!) “We had one of our busiest sales ever’ he said, looking a little weary, ” we broke all records during the first week’.
An industry insider recently told me this behaviour has an actual name, the Pent Up Purchase. He’d heard that from important retail heads that customers had bought knitwear and coats in September, realised they didn’t need them due to the weather, returned them to stores for a full refund then bought them -and more- in the sale….Strategic buying or what?
My aim this sale – as it is with every sale- is to buy stuff that is too expensive at full price due to it being fabulously made/in lusciously beautiful fabric I can’t normally afford. This season I’m hankering after a bomber jacket.
I’ve been after one since I saw the ever-elegant Sarah Harris from Vogue wearing hers. And did you see the nice one from Ellen DeGeneres’s range on Monday’s post? I don’t want to belt mine, but I do love that easy, relaxed vibe a bomber gives off.
The soft ribbed neckline is flattering too, you just have to watch the proportions so you don’t look like you’ve blown up like a microwaved bag of popcorn. Also, I’m only interested in one in a lux fabric, such as a satiny-silk, or velvet, to elevate it from something my sons might wear while skate boarding.
Because it’s sale, we can fantasy-shop and look at styles that would be ridiculously out of reach during normal times, such as this rather fabulous velvet Rick Owens one on MyTheresa, in pearlescent grey…I know! Madness, but what’s the harm in looking? It’s still out of reach, at £748 (40% off) but don’t you just want to stroke it? It would elevate my double-denim everyday-look no end. Moving on…
I momentarily toyed with the idea of sheepskin…regular readers will know I find it quite hard to resist anything in sheepskin…with this Reed Krakoff one at £1107 IN THE SALE…Who has this sort of money? Or the more user-friendly faux fur version from Neil Barrett at £560….But that would make me look huge (as well as bankrupt me). I think the technical garment name for these might indeed be a ‘chubby’.
And then I got a little side tracked with this rather beautiful Dries Van Noten knitted version at £291 (down from £583), immensely practical AND beautiful, (William Morris and Marie Kondo would both approve). It even has a little twinkle of metallic thread n it to brighten my January. I’m sorely tempted by this one.
TBH there really is very little left in the sale, despite my desk top trawling on the internet. I wonder if I’ve missed my moment. I suspect not, one thing I’ve learned is there’s always something exciting, product wise- around the corner. I’ll keep you posted on my search.
Well, Amanda – you can never really go wrong with a bit of Dries… I do think the sales have been very good this year; I am still finding the odd thing here and there.The beauty of internet shopping is stumbling across other people’s late returns.Who do you think is actually buying things full price??