I Got Life!: A Film With Menopausal Women At Its Heart

Womenfolk, this will cheer up your Friday no end, it’s a stylish and funny French film about menopausal women. I know, hallelujah!

I was tipped off about this by one of our lovely readers (thanks Tracy!) and although I’ve only seen the trailer, I’m already in love with it: hot flushes, old flames, ageist abuse, fabulous older women and a lot of female solidarity. Go See It! Happy weekend all.


  • jennyk says:

    Thank you for this! It’s showing at Nottingham’s wonderful independent cinema the Broadway and I hope to go to see it next week.

  • How refreshing. I’m also looking forward to seeing Year by the Sea, the film adaptation of Joan Anderson’s book, which I very much enjoyed.

  • Hayley says:

    Thank you Amanda, I saw this last night and it’s just marvellous!

  • Kim Morgan says:

    I GOT LIFE! is a refreshing film that places menopausal women at the center of its narrative, offering a rare and honest portrayal of this significant life stage. It delves into the emotional, social, and personal challenges faced by women during menopause, with humor and sensitivity. For those seeking professional assistance in crafting research papers on similar topics, I highly recommend https://writepaper.com/cheap-research-papers for their affordable and high-quality services.

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