Our Martha Moments features are in tribute to the wonderful (if a little control-freaky) Martha Stewart, the US home and craft maker extraordinaire (we overlook her time behind bars as a minor deviation from her crusade to make us all into domestic godesses). Slightly tongue-in-cheek, our features celebrate the Martha in us all, if only we had the time/energy/money/inclination/garden/house in the Hamptons.
We think Martha would love today's idea of using your mobile phone to help organise your wardrobe and potentially 'buy better'. Sadly it's not The Women's Room's original idea, it comes from the lovely Tamara Mellon, chairman of the designer shoe brand Jimmy Choo. Being a busy girl about town and a working mum, Tamara doesn't have time to pack her own suitcases, so she takes photos of every outfit in her wardrobe, stores them on her phone and sends the pictures of what needs to be packed to her house keeper. Sadly the Women's room doesn't have a housekeeper to send instructions to, much as we'd love one, but it did get us thinking about how we could expand this idea to improve what we buy.
How often have you gone out to buy something and then thought "What's this going to go with?" or worse, bought stuff and returned home to discover you have something rather similar already in the wardrobe? Wouldn't it be useful to be able to transport the details of our wardrobes with us whenever we're out shopping? By adapting Tamara's idea we can, by storing our wardrobe on our mobile phone.
So this weekend we will be photographing every item in the wardrobe on our mobile. By storing the pics on the phone (move over, family snaps) when we go shopping we have our entire clothing collection with us! No more wondering if that sparkly cardi on the rails will work with that sleek Margaret Howell dress you bought in the sample sale, just whip out your phone and see! We think it might even do a reasonable colour check too, if photographed in day light.
Admittedly this does seem borderline nerdy, but that's what Martha Moments are all about. If the idea of doing your whole wardrobe seems terrifying, then just photograph your most used styles or the ones you need to make work harder as outfits. It could revolutionise your clothes purchasing and we're sure, make Martha proud.