After admiring the lovely wedding photos on our friend myvintagevows blog this summer, we rather liked the look of this more home spun, charm-rich wedding idea, not that either Jane or I are thinking of abandoning our MADs for new models, but the whole vintage-y vibe would be lovely for any celebration party theme for big birthdays or anniversaries.
Interestingly, we’ve just received a book to review….The Natural Wedding Book, by Louise Moon, which picks up on this natural, home made craft look rather nicely. At first I wondered if a wedding book was relevant to us, but of course it is, either for our daughters (although I read that the average age of brides is getting ever higher) or for those of us hitching up later in life. This book is refreshingly free of dewy faced young brides, in fact there are very few pictures of brides at all, instead it’s all about craft projects, display ideas and cooking.
The book covers every aspect of throwing your own wedding and party; how to make your own paper out of wild flowers and seeds for the invitations, how to construct hand tied flower posies and which flowers work best, how to turn vintage tea cups into candles and how to produce really pretty DIY decorations on a shoe string budget. It is illustrated with inspiring photos and there’s a good directory of suppliers and experts at the back which is tailored to UK, US or Australia and New Zealand , so if you buy it in the US it has just US references, which is sensible. (No mention of what to do if you live in Essex)
It would make the perfect engagement present for anyone contemplating a home spun wedding, then you could borrow it back to crib some of the ideas for any party you might be planning of your own with a natural theme.
Check the website for where to buy depending on which country you are reading this in.