Photo via Gainsbury&Whiting
My Alexander McQueen book arrived this week, with its beautiful and moving lenticular cover that switches between Lee McQueen’s open, bare face and a glossy metallic skull. The book is a treasure.The imagination in the clothes takes your breath away when you see the collected body of his work.
If, like me, you are unable to leap on a plane and visit the retrospective of his work that is currently being shown at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, to rave reviews (I have a friend who did go who said it moved her to tears…fashion-speaky stuff, but she’s a tough nut) then you might like to click here to see a very good glimpse of it.
Gainsbury & Whiting are the incredibly talented team behind the amazing fashion shows McQueen stages, and they were involved in the setting of the show. If you have a minute you can see many of the McQueen show settings going back over the years on the site. Careful if you have work to do, it’s absorbing stuff.
I'm not fashion-y; I'm the Eileen Fisher spokesmom of the Upper West Side. But I've been to see this exhibit twice now. It's compelling as art. You feel the power of an intense imagination. It's dark, it's beautiful, it's wild, it's intricate like a William Blake print, and you want to look at how beautifully things are made. Some things are painful. OK I'll stop exclaiming but I plan to see it at least a couple more times while it's here, and drag many friends.
wow, thanks Kay, am feeling very far away from it here in the Uk….rushes to check Expedia prices to new York…can you get there and back in a day? Ax
I love the copper, deep rose and cream in this picture. Beautiful combination.