I am indebted to The Foodie Bugle for pointing out Gaitri Pagrach-Chandra’s wonderfully written, cultural mash-up baking books. Born in India, brought up in Guyana, educated in the US, now married to a Dutchman and living in Holland, Gaitri is a thoughtful writer who researches her recipes and seems to excel at cakes. So really, what’s not to love?
Anyone slightly bored of the twee cake books currently being launched on the back of the success of TGBBO should find some relief in these fascinating books. Warm Bread and Honey Cake won The Guild of Food Writers Book of the Year award in 2010, so might be a good place to start. Sugar & Spice is the newest one, and the delightfully titled Windmills in my Oven was the first, although it appears to be out of print…so eyes peeled in the charity shops, bakers!