How many handbags do you have? I thought I had enough hand bags, well I DO have more than enough bags, but then The Original Satchel Store sent along this soft leather tote bag for us to consider. As it happens, I don’t have a leather tote.
I had been more than happy to survive with my one, heavily researched back pack, now I can no longer wear my much loved over-the-shoulder-satchel (bought years ago from Mimi). But this tote is smart. And tough. I’ve used it a couple of times this week -including transporting clanking fragrance bottles and a huge bunch of garden-fresh mint to our Scent Salon on Tuesday (a blogpost on how this went coming next week). Whenever I’ve worn it I’ve had at least one person ask where it came from. it is soft, bling free, has no external branding (that white bit is just the card slotted into the satchel-style name-card holder) and cut simply, from quality thick leather.
It got me thinking, how many handbags is enough? Because I now think my handbag wardrobe has increased by one, to three: my back pack, a small Marni clutch bought aeons ago for fancy evening dos, and now this leather tote. I have others, bought years back, but can never be bothered to change my bag because I know I will leave my Oyster card/reading glasses/essential lipstick colour in the wrong one.
How many does everyone else have? Fashion magazines would have us all believe we need a new bag each season, but does anyone in the real world actually do this?
The Original Satchel store sells satchels (surprise!) but it’s actually the tote I really like for its simplicity and general all round fuss-freeness.
Brass rivets -distinctly non-shiny -strengthen the base and firm-up the side seams.
There’s a neat security tag to pull the bag together and the straps are adjustable.
I’m mighty impressed with mine and should you fancy one, you can find them here, starting at £120. I have the soft tote at £178.
That’s it – I’m not reading TWR anymore! Have just ordered a tote and it’s YOUR fault…they look amazing and I’m excited to get it.
I use smaller pouches to decant my essentials like keys, Oyster cards etc and just swap those over when changing handbags.
So many bags are ruined by branding/logos – I don’t care how they expensive they are, you don’t need to tell the world.
Nine handbags – I’m about to pass out after counting. Some of them I’ve had for a decade. I can’t get by with just a couple as I like a variety of sizes to use. Apart from an Ally Capellino bought this year in the sale, the others are not expensive, Zara, TKMaxx etc.
I firmly believe in handbag monogamy. I have had the same much loved/much admired cowhide shoulder bag for years. The other day I bought a beautiful slouchy yellow suede job but can’t quite bring myself to have a full-on affair with it….
Interesting! Like Monix’s efficiency with the pouch idea, I’m going to adopt that immediately, and Cathy, money spent at Ally Capellino is always well invested. Yellow suede job Dinah! Sounds like an exciting summer romance to me…..A
I love the yellow one in the picture. Hmmm, how many bags? 4 from Zatchels (2 saddle bags and 2 barrel bags) – infrequently use, but used all the same. 4 from Orla Kiely, 2 in constant rotation, the other 2 barely used. 3 from Ally Capellino, love them all. One from Hobbs, one from DKNY, both cross body, Hobbs barely used as it’s quite formal, DKNY used a lot, as it seems to go with everything. All my bags were bought in sales/sample sales, and many I’ve had for 5+ years.
oh wow! i love it, the leather you picked is beautiful! Really lovely bag and lovely post…
I don’t buy a bag each season as a rule, but if i see a bag I want, I tend to buy it!! it is very hard finding a bag for all occasions and seasons, so I seem to own quite a few… oops!
Love the brand break down Jo, and would love to see the DKNY one that works so well too. Glad you like the post Kirsty! Ax