image Alex de Mora, via vice.com
I am indebted to eldestson, who sent me these images from Vice magazine via email with the title ‘Mum! This is what I’ll look like when I’m older!’
Eldest son is a fully paid up hipster, although he’ll object very strongly to me saying this. Until last weekend he had the beard (he’s just shaved it off), the workwear clothing, the bike, the skanky flat in a hip part of London, the roll ups and the ‘creative’ job. He always looks stylishly turned out and I’m proud of his sartorial adeptness.
These images are by Alex de Mora and I think they are fabulous. He and his stylist Kylie Griffiths have just put everyone in a track suit and used an awesome colour palate, but whatever. I am particularly keen on the knitters, (below below) although I wouldn’t trust the woman on the right with needles that big, that look on her face…
The feature is called This Is What Our Generation Will Look Like When We Retire, you might already know this, but just in case- Vice readers are around 25-30 years old. I’m not sure I spent much time thinking about what I would look like when I was older when I was 25, so it’s a interesting to see how today’s youngsters think they’ll age.
And here’s a thing, if you could go back and give your 25-year-old self a bit of style advice on clothes, what would you say?

image Alex de Mora, via vice.com
See the whole shoot in Vice magazine here and Alex’s website is here.

image Alex de Mora, via vice.com
I’m kinda liking the idea of a bright velour trackie….
I like it!
Me too, velour trackies all round! Ax
SO not a hipster.
Bicycle due to lack of money, facial hair, “creative job” (not sure the last two years account to this) do not account to this term, also my flat is not skanky!
I’m gonna look good when I’m old though
Ooh – I think “eldest son” does protest too much!! And, of course, he’s going to look good when he’s old – have you seen the gene pool he comes from?
Seriously –
“workwear clothing” – tick
“creative job” – tick
“facial hair” – tick (I’m a middle-aged woman – OF COURSE I have facial hair!)
“bike” – tick (in the shed)
Just not the roll-ups and the flat in a trendy part of town…
Does that make me a hipster too?
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