The new ad campaign for Californian brand James Perse‘s A/W 16/17 collection features 68-year-old model Maye Musk.
A spokesperson for the 20-year-old brand says they are “trying to change customers’ expectations from the young beach set to underscore it has clients of all ages and ethnicities’.
Maye Musk says on her website “To celebrate my 60th birthday I stopped coloring my hair, cut it short and let my natural silver color shine. The new look brought a major campaign for Virgin America, billboards in Times Square, covers of Elle Quebec, New York Magazine and Zoomer Magazine, even music videos and commercials….I love to say, ‘At 68, I am only just beginning!’”
Nice clothes and a cool older model – this is what we’d like to see more of please UK retailers.
The grey colour palette looks interesting but at £157 for a jersey tee shirt it’s not interesting enough for me. Sorry!