My wardrobe audit was interesting in that it turned up an unexpectedly high count on jackets…..26! Although I’ve got some lovely ones, I’m aware there’s a gap for a beautiful, classic blazer that would elevate jeans and a shirt/sweater to something that looks stylish and chic. This simple, elegantly cut one from Joseph would do the trick. I tried on the Laurent jacket pre Christmas and loved it, but this Savoy jacket in black stretch wool is more versatile, with an easy fit and relaxed smartness. I love those Finley trousers too. The perfect New-Garconne outfit. I just hope they carry this style next year…
I’ve got one very similar from uniqlo I bought a couple of years ago – really dark navy thick jersey – goes with everything – I’m the same – a whole wardrobe full of jackets and coats!
Love this jacket. I have a similar Helmut Lang one I bought years ago from The Shop At Bluebird. They took in the shoulders so it fits perfectly there, but then I decided the sleeves were too long so I STILL haven’t worn it. What a waste. Need to get that remedied!!
DRG! Helmut Lang, now you’re talking, get those arms fixed! Liz, I’ve got jacket envy over your jersey Uniqlo one, I love a jersey tailored jacket. Ax